
Snoring is NOT Sexy…

Posted on: July 24, 2008

 Imagine this… you are peacefully enjoying a deep, restful sleep and maybe even dreaming of selacing on a sunny beach; listening to the ocean’s waves lap against the shores edge. The sun’s warming you, feeling calm and so relaxed, you breathe in the warmth-wait! the shocking screech of the morning alarm clock is blaring…no, it’s your bed-partner’s SNORE!

  You lie there, trying to ignore the chain-saw noise of the snoring. You’ve closed your eyes, ahhh silence, and thoughts of the intrusion has stopped. But, only to be startled by the sound of 1,000 bikers riding along side your bed. With every snarl you become more and more fustrated and unable to sleep. You try to resist waking your bed-partner who is totally unaware of your growing fustrations. You ask yourself ” Why should I be the one to suffer?” and with that you elbow them, they roll over, never waking up. Minutes later, the snorings’ begin again. Your enduring nightly awakening until the fustration and fatigue become too much.

  Lovers quarrels increase and the emotional gap between you widens. In one last attempt to  alleviate the problem, you start sleeping seperatly, and then in other rooms of the house. This is a quick, but short fix. The loss of intimacy makes you feel worried, alone, and stressed. All the while lying awake, again, this time alone in bed.

Without the power of restorative sleep, relationship difficulties are more difficult to ignore and the downward sprial continues.

Snoring isn’t sexy! No one wants to be woken up by the loud, annoying sound, roaring from their loved one. Snoring can be a nightmare for snorers & their beleagues partners, who may wake up severl times a night, some lose up to an hour a night, just to poke, prode and even hoist loved onto their sides for a little relief. It’s no wonder that bleary spouses can wake up grumpy and resentful.

The sound of a Harley Convention going off in your bedroom on a nightly basis, should be taken seriously. If your spouse is snoring loud, and then stopping just long enough for you to think your going to get some shut eye, then “VROOM-VROOM”  it starts again, could be they have stopped breathing. Loud snoring is one of the most recognizable signs of Obstrutive Sleep Apnea. Between 12 & 18 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea.

Although awareness of sleep apnea is growing, specialist say this condition is still vastly undertreated. Primary care physicians don’t routinely ask parients about their quality of sleep- though that is beginning to change. If you or your partner can’t sleep because the sound of the woodsmen starting is chain-saw, is keeping you awake, talk to someone, see someone, get informed!


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